Where Did Simone Biles Go to College? Unveiling the Olympic Star’s Educational Journey

Simone Biles, the world-renowned gymnastics superstar, has dazzled us with her incredible skills and breathtaking performances at the Olympic Games. While familiar with her remarkable athletic achievements, many may wonder, “Where did Simone Biles go to college?” This blog post’ll explore Simone Biles’ educational journey, her college experience, and more.

NameSimone Arianne Biles Owens
Age26 years
D O BMarch 14, 1997
ProfessionAmerican Gymnast

Simone Biles, Born to Soar

Before we dive into her college journey, let’s briefly examine Simone Biles’ early life and her incredible rise to gymnastic stardom. Born on March 14, 1997, in Columbus, Ohio, Simone Arianne Biles showed immense talent and dedication to gymnastics from a young age. She began training seriously at six and quickly made a name for herself in gymnastics.

By the time Simone was 16, she had already won numerous national and international titles, setting the stage for her Olympic journey. Her remarkable skills and dedication earned her a spot on the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team for the 2016 Rio Olympics. There, she achieved unprecedented success, clinching four gold medals and one bronze, cementing her status as one of the greatest gymnasts ever.

With such an impressive gymnastics career, many were curious about Simone Biles’ educational pursuits, particularly where she chose college.

Where did Simone Biles go to college?

After incredible success at the 2016 Rio Olympics, Simone Biles took a brief break from competitive gymnastics. During this time, she decided to attend college and pursue higher education. In 2018, Simone announced her commitment to the University of the People (UoPeople), an online, tuition-free institution.

UoPeople is a unique institution that offers accessible education to students worldwide, regardless of their financial circumstances. It provides degree programs in various fields, making it a suitable choice for Simone Biles, who was focused on her academic goals while continuing to train and compete as a gymnast.

Transitioning from the World Stage to the Virtual Classroom

Simone Biles’s decision to attend the University of the People was strategic and practical. While she had already achieved remarkable success in gymnastics, she recognized the importance of pursuing her education simultaneously. Attending a traditional brick-and-mortar college might have been challenging due to her rigorous training schedule and frequent travel for competitions.

The flexibility of online education at UoPeople allowed Simone to balance her academic commitments with her gymnastics career effectively. She could access course materials and complete assignments from anywhere worldwide, making it an ideal choice for a globe-trotting athlete like herself.

Simone Biles’ Major and Academic Goals

Now that we know where Simone Biles went to college, let’s delve into her major and academic goals at the University of the People. Simone chose to pursue a major in Business Administration, reflecting her desire to gain a solid understanding of the business side of her career and various opportunities outside of gymnastics.

With her unmatched determination and work ethic, Simone tackled her coursework with the same level of commitment she displayed in the gym. She understood that a solid education would open doors beyond her gymnastics career, and she was determined to make the most of her time at UoPeople.

Simone Biles’ Online Learning Experience

Transitioning from a traditional classroom to an online learning environment can be challenging for some students. However, Simone Biles embraced the change and adapted seamlessly to her virtual classes. Here are some insights into her online learning experience:


Simone appreciated the flexibility of online classes, allowing her to create a schedule that accommodated her training and competition commitments. She could access lectures, readings, and assignments at her convenience, ensuring that her education did not take a backseat to her gymnastics career.


While online learning sometimes feels isolating, Simone Biles tried to engage with her professors and fellow students. She actively participated in discussion forums, asking questions, sharing her insights, and collaborating on group projects, fostering a sense of community within her virtual classroom.

Time Management

Managing her time was crucial for Simone’s success in both gymnastics and academics. She developed excellent time-management skills, allocating dedicated study time while ensuring sufficient rest and recovery for her strenuous training sessions.

Support System

Simone Biles had a strong support system, including her family, coaches, and academic advisors. They provided guidance and encouragement, helping her navigate balancing college and elite-level gymnastics.

Simone’s commitment to her education and ability to excel in an online learning environment exemplifies her dedication to personal growth and development beyond her gymnastics achievements.

Simone Biles’ College Achievements

Simone’s academic journey at the University of the People was just as impressive as her gymnastics career. She maintained a high GPA and consistently earned accolades for her academic excellence. Her dedication to her studies was a testament to her determination to succeed in all aspects of life.

Simone Biles’ Graduation

In 2022, Simone Biles achieved a significant milestone in her academic journey – graduation from the University of the People. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, an accomplishment she celebrated alongside her family and friends.

Simone’s graduation was momentous, highlighting her ability to excel in sports and academia. It also inspired many aspiring athletes, demonstrating that education and athletic success are not mutually exclusive.

Simone Biles’ Impact on Education

Simone Biles’ decision to pursue higher education while continuing her gymnastics career has positively impacted the world of sports and education. Here’s how she has influenced and inspired others:

Balancing Act

Simone has shown that with determination and effective time management, it is possible to balance a demanding athletic career with education. Her story motivates young athletes to prioritize their education alongside their sports endeavours.

Advocacy for Online Education

Simone’s choice of an online, tuition-free institution has shed light on the accessibility and flexibility of online education. Her advocacy for institutions like the University of the People has encouraged others to explore online learning options.

Academic Excellence

Simone Biles’ commitment to academic excellence has emphasized the importance of education as a tool for personal growth and empowerment. Her success in the classroom has set a high standard for student-athletes worldwide.

Inspiring Future Generations

As a role model and inspiration to many, Simone Biles’ story encourages young individuals to dream big and pursue their passions, whether in sports, education, or both.

Simone’s journey reminds us that education is a lifelong pursuit, and success can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities.


We’ve answered, “Where did Simone Biles go to college?” Simone Biles chose to pursue her higher education at the University of the People, an online, tuition-free institution. She majored in Business Administration, demonstrating her commitment to personal and academic growth while maintaining her status as one of the greatest gymnasts in history.

Simone’s educational journey is a testament to her determination and resilience. She successfully balanced the demands of elite-level gymnastics with her coursework, achieving academic excellence and inspiring others to do the same.

As we celebrate Simone Biles’ achievements in both sports and education, we are reminded that greatness knows no bounds. Simone’s dedication and unwavering pursuit of excellence inspire us all, whether on the gymnastics mat or in the virtual classroom. Where did Simone Biles go to college? She went to the University of the People and went above and beyond to pursue greatness.

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